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I love ice cream, but I only eat dairy on special occasions cause I know it contributes to allergies, acne, exzema, and colds. That’s not the case for everyone, but I happen to know what foods I’m sensitive to, so I choose to moderate them. Here’s a great sorbet recipe that’ll cure that ice cream craving.

A few frozen bananas
Squeeze of lime or lemon
Optional other frozen fruit (berries, peaches, apricots..)
Opt dash vanilla extract
Opt cold coconut milk (NOT lite canned coconut milk works best)

You could just throw in some frozen bananas into a food processor (or heavy duty blender) and you’d have banana sorbet. But I like to mix a few other things in… lime gives it a little umph, and vanilla extract makes it a little more like ice cream. Just throw your ingredients in the processor, blend until smooth and enjoy right away or store it in the freezer for later. I’d love to hear what combinations you tried, so post them below or on my facebook page!

(photo by jules:stonesoup)