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Remember to Thank Yourself

It is that time of year to give thanks, and what better way to start off by thanking yourself. Also, have some self-compassion this year as you indulge in your feast. Enjoy every morsel of tasty, sweet, fatty, and salty food. You deserve it. And remember to give thanks, not just for things outside of yourself (family, friends, a roof over your head), but also for you. Yes, you!

I’ll start by saying I’m grateful for my patience (however it shows up), for a healthy body, for tackling this journey that is life, for speaking up for myself, and for trying not to feel guilt as I stuff that second helping into my mouth. Take a moment to give thanks for the things you’ve accomplished, however big or small they may be.

After a Big Feast, the Cat Knows How to Indulge

Research on Self Compassion

And of course, I’ll include that there IS research to back up the benefits of having self-compassion. You know me :). So here’s the link to a great article discussing the benefits of self-compassion.

I plan to be kind to myself this holiday season. I hope you’ll do the same.

Happy Holidays!